
Monday, July 29, 2013

Review of JL Madore's "Blaze Ignites"


Blaze Ignites Scourge Survivor Series: Book 1
JL Madore

Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Word Count: 107,000

Today, I reviewed JL Madore's "Blaze Ignites", a Paranormal/Fantasy Romance novel.

Book Description:
"Blaze Ignites blends strong, clever women and tough, sexy men in a fast paced, volatile cocktail of action, seduction and wicked humour."

I would say that on the Paranormal/Fantasy Romance spectrum, the novel was more Fantasy than Paranormal. I am a hard-core Paranormal Romance reader and have only dabbled into the Fantasy Romance side, but I enjoyed the different read.

World building: At the beginning, I struggled a tiny bit as I wasn't used to the fantasy world painting. The series of Para-Rom's that I read take place in our world, where Miss Madore explores a world different than ours. The fantasy world that was created was very interesting and very unique as I've never read a book that featured elves (especially hot elves). The world building was very intricate from the history of why the elves were banished. I also enjoyed the jump into our society, including the streets of downtown Toronto, Ontario.

Characters: At the beginning, the heroine, Jade Glaster seemed almost too hard-core, too alpha-female and I was not as sympathetic towards her until moving past the first few chapters, where the reader learns the reasons for her attitude/personality. I liked her more once I could see the reasons for her boundaries. The cast of characters were three-dimensional and very interesting. I loved the use of the exiled Elves and before I read this book, I'd never thought of elves as sexy, until reading about Galan. The characters are unique and interesting from Jade's best friend Lexi to her ex-boyfriend Samuel and the adopted father, Reign. She made very good use of the different personalities of the characters and everyone was truly one of a kind.

Pros & Cons: As I mentioned above, I am a Para-Rom reader so this was one of the first Fantasy Romance novels that I read so it did take me a little bit to get used to the high level of description. I now realize that when creating a fantasy world, it is required to give the reader an overall landscape of everything from the settings, surroundings to the variations in paranormal creatures. The novel was very long (107,000 words) and it required more "conscious" reading in order to understand.  I also found that the story started off a little slow, but I recommend that readers stick with it because it gets better and better!

Fresh Factor: I'm not a true judge of the fresh factor as I am new to the fantasy world, but to me, I found it fresh. I loved the elf world and the magical Realm of the Fair. As a Canadian living about an hour from Toronto, I was also super excited to see the real-world setting in Toronto. I found that fresh as I haven't seen the city used in many books.

Overall: I enjoyed the read and for fantasy fans, I would recommend this. The actual writing of Miss Madore is very well crafted. The world that was created was interesting and the characters are awesome. I would give the book 3.5 stars and will look for Book 2 to come out.

About the Author:

September 2009 marked the beginning of my journey with writing paranormal/fantasy romance novels. After spending a year hiatus in Panama with my family, I returned to Ontario relaxed and ready to let stories flow from my mind onto the page. The only problem was—I didn’t know a thing about the craft of writing.

Almost four years later, after dozens of workshops, reading hundreds of books, joining a writing community and two critique groups, I've won two writing scholarships and believe I've got a handle on what I’m trying to say and the voice with which I want to say it.

Currently, I am working on the five book Scourge Survivor Series as well as a darker, erotic/romance paranormal series currently called Watchers of the Grey.


Facebook Fan Page:!/JLMadore



Friday, July 26, 2013

You’ve Got Your Romance in My Fantasy—You’ve Got Your Fantasy in My Romance!

Continuing our theme for this month, genre blending in fantasy, in this post I’ll compare and contrast two blended subgenres—best I can since this one confuses me—romantic fantasy and fantasy romance.

Regardless of how we use those terms, romance works well with fantasy. Novels must have conflict to engage a reader. Love is filled to the brim with conflict. Maybe two characters are afraid to admit their feelings, or can’t let their feelings be known outside of the two of them if their families dislike each other. Plenty of tales are woven with a prince falling in love with a milkmaid, or a princess escaping her ill-tempered, intended royal husband to be with a stable boy. These difficulties add a sense of reality to fantasy novels, a lifeline for readers to be able to identify with those characters.

This is the subgenre of my own writing, so I’ve obviously given a lot of thought to these categories. But, it seems the longer I look, the more confused I get. Maybe I’m in the forest too deeply to see the trees. I’ll list characteristics to aid discussion, and then would appreciate some interaction to make the distinctions clearer.


Houses have published romantic fantasy in fantasy lines, as well as the expected placement in romance lines. That fact alone is enough to confuse writers and readers alike.

The protagonists of both subgenres often begin their journeys by escaping abusive or oppressive environments. But because of the romance element, their goals are not to become free from all social ties. Instead, most characters search for a new community or social group where they truly belong, and eventually love blossoms. A true loner protagonist does not exist in either romantic fantasy or fantasy romance.

Common plot archetypes of both subgenres:
A teenager from an overly strict or abusive family runs away and discovers he/she possesses magical or psychic powers. These newly-found powers open the character to a hope-filled destiny. Typically, the character finds ways to earn his/her place in a new society, through saving a city, kingdom, or other large group from harm by a dangerous villain or monster.

An adult who is a minor noble or someone who has recently lost a loved one strikes out in search of a new life. The character may already be magical or discover his/her abilities as in the above example. Their powers enable them to save a world from outside invasion. In the process, he/she falls in love. The book or series is expected to have a typical happily-ever-after ending for the couple, following accepted romance form.

A group of adolescents are drawn together through circumstance and destiny to form a collective that is larger than the sum of its parts. These young people are often outcasts, orphans, or somehow on the fringes of society. Each possesses magical powers, which complement different abilities of the others in the group. The bond which holds them together allows them to experience a new sense of belonging. The characters mature as they find friendship and love. The group ultimately overthrows some threat no one else is able to face in the larger community.

Magic is often handled differently in the two subgenres. In romantic fantasy the magical abilities are typically innate and simple to use. An example of this would be precognition, oriented towards affinity for or control of a particular natural element, commonly the four Greek elements of fire, air, earth, and water. This difference in the magical system is because more story time is taken by the romance. Less is spent developing a complex, secretive body of customs which requires long study and great personal sacrifice. Fantasy romance would be expected to have more complex magical systems, approximating more closely what we see in high fantasy.

Some publishers claim romantic fantasy is the correct label where the romance is most important and fantasy romance where the fantasy elements are most important. Others state that the division between fantasy romance and romantic fantasy has essentially ceased to exist.

From my personal experience, when a work rides the line, with the romance and fantasy elements being of near equal importance, publishers are often stumped. I submitted such a manuscript over and over, answering detailed follow-up questions so the editors could determine if one outweighed the other, to guide their acceptance. Being equal, they were stymied. Those extended reviews by numerous houses took plenty of time. In the end, I didn’t wish to rewrite, making one element sing louder as I was requested. I like my heroines to work hard to become good at their magic craft, spending as much time as they do falling in love. The first book of that series, Enchanted Bookstore Legends, will be released next March, as my own publication.


Anne Bishop’s Black Jewels Trilogy
C. L. Wilson’s Tairen Soul Series
Maria V. Snyder’s Poison Study Series
Sharon Shinn’s Twelve Houses Series
Catherine Asaro’s Lost Continent Series
Mercedes Lackey’s Five Hundred Kingdoms Series

I would attempt to categorize these examples as romantic fantasy or fantasy romance, but the line is a subjective one and subject to debate.

I prefer my fantasy with romance rather than my romance with fantasy. What is your preference?
~ ~ ~
Marsha A. Moore is a writer of fantasy romance. The magic of art and nature spark life into her writing. Read her ENCHANTED BOOKSTORE LEGENDS for adventurous epic fantasy romance: Book One, SEEKING A SCRIBE, Book Two, HERITAGE AVENGED, Book Three, LOST VOLUMES, and Book Four, STAUROLITE.. For a FREE ebook download, read her historic fantasy, LE CIRQUE DE MAGIE, available at Amazon and Smashwords.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Mixing It Up - Create New Deities For Fantasy Worlds

Going along with our theme for the month, I just had to share this fantastic deity dress-up magnet set someone sent me. The idea is that you can mix and match the assorted looks between a range of religious figures, and it looks like so much fun.

Most fantasy that has any reference to religion usually takes one that we are at least somewhat familiar with and gives it a few twists, our might blend a few features from two or more diverse belief systems. Sometimes it's a completely new concept with only the barest of universal reference points. Jacqueline Carey's world of Terre d'Ange bears a strong resemblance to old Europe, but the demi-god Elua strays quite a bit from our version of Jesus. C.E. Murphy's series, The Walker Papers, link Native American and Celtic religion based on shamanic connections shared by the two distinct paths.

These are just off the top of my head, and there are many more examples. It's often done in a very subtle way, but looking at these magnets I can't help but think it would be incredibly entertaining to take a blatant approach. Let's slap Ganesha's head on Horus's body and see what happens, shall we? How would the Flying Spaghetti Monster (yes, it's in there) wield Zeus's lightning bolt?

What wild deity combo would you like to see? Or let us know which novels you think have the perfect unique blend of multiple religions or beliefs.


Friday, July 19, 2013

Many Blends in Epic Fantasy

Genre blending and epic fantasy are sisters in combat. Epic fantasy can include any number of elements borrowed from other genres. Yet the good versus evil and the quest is always there for readers to enjoy. The Lord of the Rings and The Wheel of Time series include ghosts, foretelling and romance. While called different names, they are in essence the same thing.

And that is the beauty of epic fantasy. Ghosts are called spirits and any random word for foretelling can be used for the person who foretells. Of course, romance will always be romance. The number of possibilities for each element is left up to the imagination of the writer. The creative choice assimilates the different genres into good versus bad with the bumps to save the world or obtain the quest item.

The Ringwraiths in The Lord of the Rings are like ghosts. They are turned into apparition by the dark power of the rings. On the other hand (no pun intended), the other wraiths were nothing more than common men who dishonored their peers. Also necromancy caused the dead to rise again. Ghosts and people returning back to the dead are seen in many paranormal novels.

The ghosts in The Wheel of Time series foretold the last battle of Tarmon Gai'don. In this case, they are called ghosts and not spirits. The ability to foretell the future is considered a talent by the Aes Sedai. Those who have the talent are far in between, but they have always existed from the beginning. Foretelling is accepted universally in any genre, just more so in others.

Both fantasy series include romance. Aragon and Arwen are your traditional couple in the Lord of the Rings. They want nothing more to be together, but first, the world needs to be saved. In The Wheel of Time series, Rand is in love with three women - Min Farshaw, Elayne Trakand, and Aviendha. They accept he is in love with all of them. While never in the same bed all at once, this is normally seen in erotic novels.

In a nutshell, epic fantasy can have it all and still let you include a unicorn, or any other outrageous thing, without anyone blinking an eye. If it fits the world the character exists in, then there's nothing that cannot be done. That’s music to my ears.

Now, what other genre blending or bending are seen in epic fantasy? And is there an epic fantasy series that includes so many you can’t keep count?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Jennifer Harlow's "Justice" favorite summer read

Today, I have the extreme pleasure of writing a review of Jennifer Harlow's "Justice". The book is an Urban Fantasy with a superhero theme and I devoured this 320-page book in about three nights. I just couldn't put it down and when I was forced to call it a night, it was because I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer into the wee hours of the morning.

"Justice" is Book One of the Galilee Falls Trilogy. It stars a female cop, Joanna Fallon. If you like your heroine's strong, gritty with a dark sense of humor and a heart beneath the tough exterior, then Joanna is your girl. The book is told through first person, through "Jo's" eyes and has everything that a reader is looking for: strong characters, great description, sexy super heroes, dark secrets, romance, heart break and betrayal.

World building: The world is set in our world, where super heroes (good and bad) live as part of the world. The good "supers" help out the police department and government officials to keep the streets of Galilee Falls safe against bad "supers". The setting of Galilee Falls is vivid and I could imagine myself walking through the streets or visiting the precinct. The world is creative as I have not read a story on super heroes.

Characters: As I mentioned before, the heroine, Joanna Fallon is a strong-willed cop that is in love with her best friend, Justin Pentergast that is weeks away from getting married. Despite the unrequited love, Joanna is not whinny in the least. I loved reading from Joanna's point of view and connected with her from Page One. I felt every heart break and bump in the road that Joanna experiences, and left me pulling for her. The supporting cast is wonderful from BFF Justin that saved her life when she was a teenager, the super Justice, her partners, the police force and her Harry O'Hara, her boss that she is secretly having a relationship. Every character was well-crafted and well-developed from Justin's fiancee and his aunt Lucy to the very evil bad "super" Alkaline.

Pros & Cons: I ramble on and on about the pro's of this book, but I am just going to recommend that you go and buy it. It is worth the read and will leave you anxiously waiting for Book Two to come out. There are so many pro's; strong lead character, an intelligent villain that creates chaos, fast-paced plot that leaves you guessing, romance and dark secrets that you never figured out! There was not one single con that I found after reading, other than I was very sleepy during the days since opening the book.

Fresh Factor: The concept is "super" fresh and is such a cool concept that I wished that I had thought of it! I grew up watching the X-men and reading the Marvel comic books, so this book was right up my alley. I loved reading about "supers" and seeing how a super heroes life is not as perfect as one would think.

Overall: This is my favorite summer read and has found its way into my Top Five books ever read. Everything was great and enjoyable from characters to the writing. Not only did I love the characters, but the writing was skilled with a perfect balance of description. On a scale of five, I would give this five stars ***** and I can't wait for the next book to come out.

There is a great rafflecopter giveway of 10 ebook copies of "Justice".

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Book Description:

It’s hard being a regular police officer in Galilee Falls, a city with the highest concentration of superheroes and villains in the country. It’s even harder watching your best friend, the man you’re secretly in love with your whole life, planning to marry another woman. Detective Joanna Fallon has to contend with both. When the vilest supervillain in the city’s history, Alkaline, the former crime boss who can shoot acid from his wrists, escapes from the maximum security prison, the whole city is gripped by panic.

Leading the pursuit is Captain Harry O’Hara, Joanna’s boss and secret lover, and the city’s champion superhero Justice, who caught the villain last time, much to Joanna’s chagrin. Before her father was murdered in a mugging twenty years earlier, Joanna worshiped the hero, but when he disappeared and failed to save her father, that adoration turned to contempt for all supers.

After Alkaline attacks too close to home and targets Joanna as his next victim, tough-as-nail Joanna has to contend with her increasing fear while struggling to choose between her life-long crush and her new-found love.

At turns vulnerable and fierce, equally mordant and winsome, Joanna is an earnest yet emotionally damaged heroine, who despite the tough breaks of her childhood sees the good in people and vow to protect her beloved city at all costs. An ass-kicking petite firecracker with no superpowers of her own, she charges after supervillains unflinchingly, never losing her wit even when facing her toughest fight. With a coy blend of whimsy and vivid imagination, she delivers both humor and thrills in an action-packed and edgy blend of comic book cool, fantasy-noir, and bitter-sweet romance.

 About the Author:

Jennifer Harlow spent her restless childhood fighting with her three brothers and scaring the heck out of herself with horror movies and books. She grew up to earn a degree at the University of Virginia which she put to use as a radio DJ, crisis hotline volunteer, bookseller, lab assistant, wedding coordinator, and government investigator.

Currently she calls Northern Virginia home but that restless itch is ever present. In her free time, she continues to scare the beejepers out of herself watching scary movies and opening her credit card bills.

She is the author of the Amazon Best-Selling  F.R.E.A.K.S. Squad and Midnight Magic Series. For the soundtracks to her books visit  Tales From the Darkside Blog





Friday, July 12, 2013

Romance: A Real Life Fantasy Quest

This month at the Speculative Salon, we're discussing blended genres in fantasy fiction. It’s easy to see the popularity of adding romantic elements to fantasy, as evidenced by the thriving paranormal romance and urban fantasy genres. Even many epic tales include stories of love, yearning, and passion. Why?

Two good reasons. Fans of fantasy crave an escape from ordinary life. Authors in the genre pride themselves on world-building techniques that will deliver those thrills. Give an epic fantasy book to a non-fantasy reader and their heads will spin with the number of characters and details of setting. To me, I love to visualize nooks and crannies of an alternate world, looking for hidden joys and treasures I might never find in real life. Why then would an author be wise to include something as ordinary and commonplace as a love theme? 

While escapism does fuel the need for most to read fantasy, readers usually don’t want to become totally lost from all known mores and customs. Without some familiar elements, it’s difficult to judge character development and interactions. As much as we eagerly anticipate the wildly imaginative worlds, we also need a thread of normalcy to allow comparison. Otherwise, readers would be incapable of feeling connected to the characters. The depth of emotional commitment to even the most rigorous fantasy quest would be intangible—the thrill of the adventurous ride meaningless. So authors seek to include a universally known element. Love relationships are part of our everyday lives. The associated feelings transcend language and culture. What could be better as a commonly understood theme to allow the reader a comparative ruler? 

Using that technique, romance can serve as a lifeline back to reality for a fantasy aficionado who becomes overwhelmed by the newness of the fantasy world. Also, readers can hold onto the love theme while cautiously immersing into the newness, like sticking a toe into the unfamiliar environ. Urban fantasy is an entire subgenre that purposely employs this writing device as a foundation, requiring the works be set in a known city. 

While that reason is a highly technical, writerly answer, there’s another that is more alluring. Consider all the highs and lows the average person faces during a lifetime—schooling, career, finding a partner, caring for family, aging. The part that most closely approximates the otherworldly rush of emotions, where you feel like you’re living in a fairytale, is romance. It’s an everyday magical experience, where you expect your dreams to be fulfilled. Of course, many times they aren’t and we suffer heartache, but most often we soon get back on the horse and renew our faith in the promise of magic in someone’s smile. 

That fantasy is too tempting to avoid. We yearn to find someone who believes we’re special beyond compare. That tendency is imprinted in our human nature, as evidenced by psychologist Abraham Maslow in his Hierarchy of Needs.  The need to be loved is level three of five, just after safety and security. This is more important to the human psyche than self-esteem or self-actualization of individuality.  Considering the importance of being loved, it’s not hard to understand how adding romance to our fantasy plays on our inherent nature. Romance undeniably enhances that dream-world. Little else so immediately recognizable releases such a rush of oxytocin and dopamine neurotransmitters, transporting us to another place—our own cloud nine where the birds sing more sweetly and the sun shines a bit brighter. A perfect complement to a fantasy plot.

Art credit: By Creator:John Anster Fitzgerald ([1]) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
 ~ ~ ~
Marsha A. Moore is a writer of fantasy romance. The magic of art and nature spark life into her writing. Read her ENCHANTED BOOKSTORE LEGENDS for adventurous epic fantasy romance: Book One, SEEKING A SCRIBE, Book Two, HERITAGE AVENGED, Book Three, LOST VOLUMES, and Book Four, STAUROLITE.. For a FREE ebook download, read her historic fantasy, LE CIRQUE DE MAGIE, available at Amazon and Smashwords.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Is Urban Fantasy a Genre Hodge-Podge?

We're taking a look at genre bending and blending this month in the Salon, and I have to start with my go-to favorite for this one: Urban Fantasy. I actually feel like most of the modern genre categories are a mix of two or more types these days. We blend thrillers with romance, horror with comedy, or fantasy with.... well, anything really. But UF in particular seems to get a bad rap for being a little too loose with its content.

Maybe that's because it can be difficult to define. Technically the name is pretty self explanatory; a fantasy story set in an urban setting. However, that does leave us with a broad range of options at our disposal. Usually there is at least one other genre added to this that gives a UF its particular flavor. The most common is probably the mystery/thriller aspect, which is often what drives a UF plot. Much of the earlier versions of the genre were originally classified as horror, and those that pile on the gore and fright could easily still carry the label. Humor is also being blended more frequently, while those that focus on romance already have their own genre now: paranormal romance.

Let's face it, there's no easy way to identify these differences with genre clarification. There will likely never be a shelf in the bookshop for the "urban fantasy comedy romance". In fact, most are simply shelved in the fantasy section anyway without distinction between its more traditional cousins. Isn't that because fantasy is innately a catch-all that can include almost endless possibilities? Why should urban fantasy limit itself when it doesn't have to?

Some critics of the genre have accused it of having a kitchen sink quality, where writers simply take the basic definition into account and then throw anything and everything that catches their fancy into it. This implies a lack of forethought and attention to craft that I think is a little unfair.

Classic fantasy novels are able to pick and choose which creatures and magic to include or not and no one ever calls foul. Some urban fantasy is super simple, only focusing on one thing like vampires or a particular supernatural ability. When I reviewed In a Fix last year, I was excited that the author invented a new kind of paranormal element that enabled some of the characters to use auras to look like anyone they wanted. Even better that it was the sole piece of fantasy in the entire novel and worked just fine on its own.

Sometimes a lot of fantasy works too. Personally, I love being surprised by what might pop up next when I'm reading a UF with multiple mythologies and paranormal elements. Nicole Peeler, Kevin Hearne, and others have successfully used this technique to mix things up. As long as it feels true the world the author has created, I'm less inclined to wonder why?, and lean toward the why not?

Do you think urban fantasy is too much of a hodge-podge? Tell me what you think, or recommend your favorite genre bending books.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Review of Allie's War, Book Two "Shield"

Shield (Allie’s War, Book Two) JC Andrijeski
Genre: New Adult / Urban  Fantasy/ Romance
Publisher: White Sun Press
Number of pages: 432
Cover Artist: White Sun Press

Today at the Salon, I will be reviewing Book Two of JC Andrijeski's Allie War series, Shield. The series, which I had the pleasure of reading both Book 1 and Book 2 (which I would also strongly suggest to readers to start with Book 1) was different for me because I am normally a paranormal romance junkie, but when I received the opportunity to review the books I was instantly intrigued not only by the New Adult genre, but also by the description. And there are no disappointments here either.

* There is also a super cool giveaway, so make sure that you check out the bottom of this post for information on the giveaway.

World building: The setting is a unique, gritty version of Earth that is population not only by humans, but also another race called "seers". The world created is unlike anything that I have read and that I found myself very absorbed in immediately. The written description is wonderfully vivid and paints a perfect picture of the world and the characters. I read both books in about four days as I couldn't seem to put them down. I especially loved the cliffhanger at the end of Book 1 that forced me to go into the wee hours of the morning to start Book 2.

Characters: The heroine Allie Taylor is a 28-year-old that is raised human, but learns that she is a seer, and also an important part of the human/seer war puzzle, called the "Bridge". With her team of friends (both seer and humans) and her husband Ravik, the characters are very colorful and interesting. The relationships that she has with each of the member of the team, including her half brother and her best friend. Although I am used to romance, where the heroine and hero have a happily ever after, I love the conflict and tension that goes on between Allie and Ravik. Despite their love, their relationship just doesn't work and they can't keep it together. It is one of those things that draws me to continue reading the series.

Pros & Cons: The writing of the series is fast-paced and interesting that I really believe that it can hold a reader through the entire series. I know that I personally will continue on with the series. The writing is descriptive and as mentioned above, the world building and the characters are great. One thing that I found as a con was that there was such a large cast of characters that I sometimes had a hard time following who was who. Also the conflict level is great, but there was almost too much going on at one time. These are just little cons that wouldn't stop me from reading the series, but at times had me rereading sections or going back to reread parts to make sure that I fully understood. I also recommend reading Book 1 as I think that if a reader started on Book 2, it would be very confusing and a lot of important, needed background would be missing.

Fresh Factor: Definitely a "wow" as a fresh factor. This series has made me a fan of New Adult and a reader of JC Andrijeski The series is fresh and originally. If you are looking to dip your toe into the New Adult genre or looking for a gritty, fresh new series than Allie's War is definitely for you.

Overall: I really enjoyed both Book 1 and Book 2. I would give the books a 4 star **** reading and will continue on with the series.

Thanks for reading!


Book Description:

“And they say Death will live among them in the guise of a child....”

Grappling with her new identity as “Bridge,” a being meant to herald the end for all of humanity, isn’t even Allie’s biggest problem. She’s also coping with a whole new set of rules around her seer marriage, as well as the power-hungry Rook she helped put in the White House, who is currently doing his best to start a war with China.

Then the boy appears. A sociopath with all of the energetic markings of Syrimne, a highly dangerous telekinetic seer who killed thousands during World War I, he doesn’t appear to have aged in one hundred years.

Worse, he thinks Allie belongs to him.

About the Allie’s War Series:

An urban fantasy paranormal romance set in a unique, gritty version of Earth, populated by a second race of beings called seers, the Allie’s War series centers on the relationship of a strong female protagonist, Allie Taylor, and her antihero guide, Dehgoies Revik. Falling into the new adult genre of books, the Allie’s War series takes place in a modern version of Earth you’ve never seen, that spans centuries along with the lives of its main characters, the seers, and the wars they fight with themselves and their human allies and enemies, (steamy sex scenes in parts!).

About the Author:
JC Andrijeski has published novels, novellas, serials, graphic novels and short stories, as well as nonfiction essays and articles, including the Allie’s War series, The Slave Girl Chronicles and bestselling novella, The Alien Club. Her short fiction runs from humorous to apocalyptic, and her nonfiction articles cover subjects from graffiti art, meditation, psychology, journalism, politics and history. JC has traveled extensively and lived abroad, but currently lives and works on the Oregon Coast.

Please visit JC's blog at  or her website at



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