It is the weekend for barbecues, potato salad, apple pie and ice cream. It is the day of fireworks, parades and flag waving. It is the day we declared our indpendence.
WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON 1806—1879 Poem - Independence Day!
The bells are ringing merrily,
The cannon loudly roar,
And thunder-shouts for Liberty
Are heard from shore to shore;
And countless banners to the breeze
Their stars and stripes display:
What call for sights and sounds like these ?
'Tis Independence day!
To celebrate the 4th of July and put the fire in your loins, a clip from the movie Independence Day. Enjoy!
On this holiday, I'd like to share some of my resource links with you. Hope you find them useful.
List of resource links:
http://www.histfiction.net/resources.php Historical Fiction Network
http://www.levity.com/alchemy/index.html Alchemy Web Site
http://www.cthuugle.com/en/ The complete HP Lovecraft Search Engine
http://www.bartleby.com/81/ Dictionary of Phrase and Fables
http://www.svincent.com/MagicJar/Economics/MedievalOccupations.html Medieval Occupations
http://www.rmhh.co.uk/occup/ Old Occupations
http://www.online-literature.com/bulfinch/mythology_fable/ Bulfinch’s Mythology
http://www.pantheon.org/ Encyclopedia Mythica
http://www.vam.ac.uk/ Victoria and Albert Museum-clothing, accessories and more
http://www.monstropedia.org/index.php?title=Public_html/ Monsters Encyclopedia
http://www.occultopedia.com/occult.htm#alfa All things occult
http://rinkworks.com/namegen/ Fantasy Name Generator
Writing instructions:
http://marybuckham.com/ Author of Break into Fiction
http://www.fsu.edu/~butler/ Videos of Author Robert Olen Butler – Inside Creative Writing
http://lisagardner.com/writers-toolbox Free lecture series
http://www.magicalwords.net/free-writing-downloads/ Free downloads on writing
Tool Box:
http://thebookshelfmuse.blogspot.com/2008/01/introducing-thesaurus-thursdays.html Emotion Thesaurus
http://www.urbandictionary.com/ Urban Dictionary
Coming up on the 9th and 10th a two part interview with award winning author of Break Into Ficton ,Mary Buckham.
Till next time,
Have a wonderful holiday weekend. Thanks also for sharing some of your links. I intend to go and check several out.