This was my first year attending the RWA conference and I was fortunate that it was in New York. I’ve attended RT twice, so I thought I knew what to expect – I was so wrong. 2,400 women (mostly), great workshops, good friends and the opportunity to meet and speak with some wonderful authors – it was fantastic!
I think the highlight of the conference for me was listening to Keynote speaker, Sherrilyn Kenyon. If you have never heard her story, it is one of overcoming extreme obstacles. After listening to her speak there is no excuse for not pushing through. If she can do it after having such a difficult background, I need to forget about any excuses I have made and get my butt in the chair.
I was really surprised that the weather in New York was so mild. It wasn’t hot. It wasn’t humid. It was quite bearable, which was wonderful. I made it to most of the signings, which was overwhelming. I still bear some of the bruises from being whacked with boxes full of books. Being skinny would have been a major advantage in the crowds. Oh well, I got up close and personal with many, many women.
There was a lot of talk about self- publishing because of the recent success of some authors. A few years ago, self-publishing was such a dirty word. Now, a lot of authors are considering self-publishing their backlist and even some new books! My, how times have changed.
Well, I had an absolute blast! I wish I could say that I will be going again next year, but that is totally up in the air. Money, day job, limited vacation time – how annoying. If I make it again, I will at least have a better idea of how to get the most out of the conference.
Welcome back, Stacie! Sounds like you had a great experience and a lot of fun. Hopefully you'll work it out for next year as well :-)