
Thursday, October 20, 2011

Mandi Casey & An Interview with Sydney Sedrick

Today's guest blogger is an amazing author of  sexy paranormal tales, Mandi Casey. She was kind enough to send us an interview with the star of  her newest novel, Sydney Sedrick. Pick up her story today via links at the end of the post.

Sydney Sedrick Interview

Interviewer: In a nutshell, how would you describe yourself?

Sydney: Well, I’m 27 years old, and I was born in Kenosha, Wisconsin. My parents moved down to Chicago, but I’ve recently moved back to Kenosha to help my Aunt Judith with her store, Morning Sun. Since then, my life has been turned upside down.

Interviewer: What makes you say that?

Sydney: A few nights ago, I was attacked by a werewolf and he bit me in the neck. Ever since, I’ve learned that I’m the new Selected.

Interviewer: Selected? What does that mean?

Sydney: I’ve only recently found out that werewolves and vampires exist, obviously, as I was bitten by a werewolf. According to some dusty old prophecies, the Selected is destined to save the world, somehow.

Interviewer: Are you dating anyone? How do they feel about your new found position?

(Note: Sydney’s cheeks blush and she averts her eyes before answering.)

Sydney: No, my pool of would-be boyfriends is pretty barren right now.

Interviewer: Really? That surprises me.

Sydney: Well, there is Blake. He’s the heir to the Midwestern Werewolf Pack. He’s pretty sure I’m his true-mate, but that’s not possible.

Interviewer: If you both like each other, why not go for it?

Sydney: Ha! Yeah, you sound just like my sister, Brianna. No, we weren’t meant to be together, Blake and I. You see, if I date him, the vampires will get all ticked, and then they’d attack the werewolves. I just couldn’t stand to have that kind of bloodshed on my hands.

Interviewer: Thanks for your time, Sydney. Maybe we’ll talk more about the Bizarre Life of Sydney Sedrick soon.

Sydney: Um, thanks for having me.

Author Bio: At age ten, Mandi Casey bought her first paranormal romance. Since then, she’s been bitten with a passion for vampires, werewolves, life-mates, and all matters relating to love and romantic stories of success against all odds. Her writing style draws the reader in with emotionally charged connections, conflict, adventure, and dark, snarky humor.
When she’s not writing, Mandi enjoys Frisbee golfing and researching and writing about urban paranormal romance. She is a member of Rockin’ Romance Writers, Romance Writers of America and Savvy Authors.

Connect with her on Facebook or follow her blog at

Bizarre Life of Sydney Sedrick can be purchased at:;; or

Please check out the book trailer for Bizarre Life of Sydney Sedrick at:


  1. This is an excellent book. I couldn't put it down and I look forward to reading more works by this author. marian

  2. Great interview! Can't wait to read it.

  3. Got to hate it when you can't be with your werewolf boyfriend because it would cause paranormal warfare, LOL. The book looks great, Mandi. Thanks so much for visiting with us!

  4. Sydney seems cool! I'm looking forward to reading her story. Great interview!

    Karin Shah
    BLOOD AND KISSES Available now!

  5. Sounds great! It's a bit rough being in a situation where you might start a war.
