
Saturday, October 8, 2011

What's Your Survival Plan For NaNo?

This year will be my first NaNoWriMo.  I did Savvy’s bootcamp in June so I’m pretty sure I can do NaNo.  I prepared for the bootcamp with an outline and a scene list and that helped me meet the goal of a first draft of over 60,000 words.   So I’m doing what I can to psych myself up for the event coming up.  Getting all my snacks, music CD’s and my “Do Not Disturb” sign in place.  Oh, and my outline and any other notes I can muster up before November 1st. 

Also, I am taking a “Prepping for NaNo” course taught by Susan Meier over at Pennwriters.  I’ll tell you how that goes.  Right now, all I have is a one-sentence summary to work with so I need to get in gear.  

I’m not going to tell you how to get ready for this 30 day writing event.  You probably know better than I do on how to do that.  But, let me suggest one thing, don’t go for perfection or you will run into the other “p”…procrastination and following that will be the block.  You can perfect your work after November.  So, sit back and enjoy the freewrite. 

Meet up with Marilyn [mmzcreates] and me [ewgibson] at the NaNo site.  Let’s cheer each other on to victory.

What’s your survival plan for Nano?



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