
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ready… Set… Sprint!

The day has finally arrived and NaNoWriMo 2011 has begun!

There’s been a lot of great advice from my fellow scouts this last month, and I hope every writer taking the challenge is prepped and ready to rock. I can’t stress enough how important it is to seek out support for this endeavor, from both our families and peers.

Obviously, there are connections to be made on the Nano website, but you can also find friends on Twitter using the #NaNoWriMo or #Nano hashtags. Writing sprints are also a great way to reach your goals while in the virtual company of other writers, and Savvy Authors is the place to be. Savvy has a Water Cooler room used for group sprints all year round, but this November they have created a space specifically for those participating in the Novel in a Month Event.

Part of my strategy this year is to start with a bang, so I’m shooting for a whopping 5k today. This means I’m locking the door to my study tonight and only coming out for short breathers or to make another pot of coffee. I’ve got my synopsis, notes, and a rough outline on Scrivener to guide me. Crank the music and let the typing commence!

I’d love to hear how your first day is going, so feel free to brag or vent in the comments. Good luck to all!


  1. Good luck to you, Ella! I'm not doing Nano, but love the quiet of the month to get caught up. Cheering for you and out other scouts!

  2. Thanks Marsha! Here's to a month of inspiration and productivity to all writers, regardless of Nano participation.

  3. Good luck, Ella. I've been away, which is why I'm not doing NaNo this year. I have edits arriving soon too.
