
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Strategies For a Productive Holiday

Very happy holiday blessings to everyone! I can hardly believe that 2011 is almost over, but at least it’s been a most wonderful year to look back on. One of the greatest joys was definitely teaming up with the Scouts to start this blog, and meeting so many wonderful guests, bloggers, writers, and readers along with it. It’s been a whirlwind social media journey, and I’m happy to say that I’ve had a lot of fun doing it.

So, Hubs and I are hitting the road on Thursday for a six day tour along the east coast to visit relatives. We love road trips, and I’m really excited to see everyone since we don’t get out there very often these days. I also can’t stand the thought of breaking my writing routine, so I’ve come up with a few ideas for getting in as much typing/scribbling as I can while still enjoying the company. Here’s the plan:

- Write in the car – Not when it’s my turn to drive, LOL, but I can bust out the laptop while Hubs is at the wheel.

- Write late at night – I stay up later than my rellies, so it should be an easy one.

- Write while everyone is napping – As long as I don’t stuff myself into a coma as well.

- When everyone is watching TV

- Write while Hubs is unpacking or repacking our stuff – He’ll love that one.

Well, I’ll squeeze in whatever I can between all the feasting and games. Have a super-duper, fun, safe, and inspiring holiday everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Good ideas, Ella! I've been doing most of those the past week while we've had company, except for the packing/unpacking time. I also write at the beach (paper and pencil to not get sand in the laptop).
