At first, they are ill equipped to do these things. Why?
Because just like us our characters simply don’t know how. Besides that’s what the universe does. It sees how badly you want something. So, it creates obstacles. And we just like
our characters in our stories have to learn how to pole-vault to get to the
other side.
That’s the easy part. Stopping the little voice inside your head who insists you are
not good enough to do this task, now that takes courage, faith and
determination. How do you do that? By figuring out why your dream or goal is so
important to you. And I’m not talking
about fame, money or lots of sex. Not
that those things are bad to have. I’m
talking about what feeds your soul. What
tears up your eyes while you’re smiling? And don’t tell me sex! Go deeper and
when you have the answer to that, you have the secret to crossing the finishing
line and winning.
Anyway, that’s my thoughts about the secret of winning. Do you have one to share?
Till next time,
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