
Monday, January 9, 2012

Since my fellow scouts have been discussing goal-setting for the new year, I’ll add yet another approach, a bit fantastical and keeping with the speculative theme.

After my college-age stepchildren stayed a week prior to Christmas and our festivities finished early, the holidays became a quiet time for me to concentrate on my writing. I cleaned the house and then settled into two heavenly weeks dedicated solely to my writing. I got the second book of my Enchanted Bookstore Legends turned in to my editor last weekend, totaling over 97,000 words, my longest work yet. In those two weeks, I
·         wrote 22,000 of that total;
·         completed my final edit on the entire book;
·         researched and added some cool html to streamline the connections between my blog and website;
·         spent 16 full hours proofing final galleys on Tortuga Treasure: Ciel's Legacy which releases at the end of this month;
·         set up connections for a blog tour and reviewers with that book;
·         created more marketing avenues for my last short story release, Le Cirque De Magie;
·         fully plotted books III, IV, and V of my Enchanted Bookstore Legends.

Well, that seems totally unbelievable and even makes my head spin to read the list. Of course, I liked the productive note I rang in the new year with, but seriously wondered what magical cloud was following me. Then, in some mindless web-surfing, I ran into a current yahoo news article about 2012 horoscope predictions. I often use astrology for a foundation of the magic my characters use, but not so much for myself. But, this prediction seemed uncanny. Oddly enough, this site has no connection to the writing/publishing world.

I’m an Aries and for my 2012 career the site gave this guidance:

With Pluto pulling rank in your career sector, your star continues to rise over the course of the year in your chosen field. Of course, with Capricorn involved, this is not without hard work. After all, your stamina is noble. Use the momentum of the first quarter of the year to launch your major projects.

With Jupiter bringing good fortune to your money sector for the first half of the year, you'll experience fabulous ease in attracting opportunities to boost your income. You're learning how important it is to value yourself and not sell any of your talents for less than they're worth. The summer brings fabulous opportunities for writing and publishing, so if you've been sitting on a book (or two) that you know needs to be written, this is your year to put pen to paper and fingers to keyboard! Chances are, you felt the initial impetus during the new Moon eclipse in Sagittarius in December 2011; 2012 demands that you finalize your copy. June's full Moon lunar eclipse in your house of publishing will bring the final lucky push to get your work seen and put into print!

So, it seems my super-energized productivity may be owing to the positions of Pluto and Jupiter. Can’t wait to see what happens to me during that lunar eclipse in June!

If you wish to check out your own 2012 horoscope as a way to guide your goals for the year, here’s the link. I hope your stars and planets align for a fantastic year!

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Marsha A. Moore is a writer of fantasy romance. The magic of art and nature spark life into her writing. She is the author of the novel, TEARS ON A TRANQUIL LAKE, the first in a trilogy. Part two, TORTUGA TREASURE is contracted for release in January, 2012. Look for her first of an epic fantasy romance series, SEEKING A SCRIBE: ENCHANTED BOOKSTORE LEGENDS ONE, to be available March, 2012. For a FREE ebook download, read her historic fantasy, Le Cirque De Magie.


  1. I'm sure you'll have much success with all your books. Good luck

  2. Thanks, Roseanne! May you have a wonderful new year too.
