
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lark's End is Here!

Welcome to the end and the beginning.  Christina Leigh Pritchard surprises with a surreal journey into her YA fantasy series, The Fall of Gadaie.

Here's the blurb:
From the author of the C I N Series, comes an epic fantasy world filled with nothing but constant action and adventure. A new world, new life forms, and another twisted and complex story from author Christina Leigh Pritchard!

Mary wants to kill them. But, someone stands in her way...

Tahmi has nightmares of an old man in a sailor's suit, dropping her off, on her doorstep. When she tells her parents about him they look sick. Could her dream have some truth to it? Is that old man the reason they won't allow her in the woods behind their house?

What are they hiding from her? Who is she?

TAHMI, she's just an ordinary girl, right?

Lark’s End, is the first of eight books in the epic fantasy series The Fall of Gadaie. For extras, (characters, illustrations, book trailers, maps) please visit the blog dedicated to the series:


As a well-read adult I have to admit that there are certain genres I have avoided. OK I did watch Un Chien Andalou, (warning: the link is to the actual film and is not for the squeamish) the classic surreal short film from the '20s. It was directed by Luis Bunuel and Salvador Dali and is definitely NOT a YA film. Lark's End, however, is tempting me to investigate the literary world of that film and the movement that inspired it.

The world of Lark's End is topsy-turvy. How else to you describe falling up from your roller-coaster seat down into a trap door that you climb up out of ? I admit that I was prepared to be confused and disappointed when I started reading this story. Shifts of location left me feeling lost and for a YA book the language seemed too simplistic. After the first couple of chapters I was comfortable feeling lost. And very grateful for the language. By the middle of the book I was breathless keeping up with the journey of the companions.

Far from being simplistic, Lark's End requires your full attention to follow the dream-like transformations and fast-paced movement--
Tahmi woke.
She sat against the wall, barricaded inside the cave. Her skin and clothes were clean. There wasn't a speck of oil left on her body! She felt her hair and giggled. "I had the most horrible nightmare," she said.
Her voice echoed in the dark.
It was black as pitch and the only noise she could decipher was tiny drips splattering onto the limestone.
Splat, splat.
"Jerry, are you there?"
Drip, drip, drip.
Green eyes blinked inches away. Tahmi screamed, pressing herself against stone.
Splat, splat.
More eyes gathered, closing in.
"What do you want!?"
Fire lit the room, illuminating at least ten black roaches and the scorpion who towered over her with it's tail pointed.
Where was Jerry?
After reading Lark's End, I don't think there would be any trouble getting your YA to read Kafka or Borges. I know I would have liked the help!

OH, and check out the work of cover illustrator Mohammed Zakzouk. Lovely.

Happy reading,

About the Author:
Christina Leigh Pritchard was born and raised in South Florida. Her first stories were written at the age of nine in $0.15 wide ruled spiral notebooks (which were supposed to be used for class) ;o)~ and in the various diaries she kept. Stories she wrote from age nine to twelve fill about four storage boxes!

Since she's upgraded to a computer, she's completed over fifty books and still going strong. Her genres include dark fantasy, young adult, drama, suspense, historical romance, multicultural, comedy, poetry and many more.

Her main aspirations in life are: her dog, Teacup; the beach, writing and well, writing! The author says, "I breathe novels.”

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the review!!! I love it! ;o)

    Christina Leigh Pritchard
    Author of the Gadaie/C I N Series
