
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Years!

Last year at this time, my husband and I had just welcomed our little guy Jackson into our lives and at that point, I had no idea the amount of time and patience a baby required. Well I learned fast! I had gone into motherhood believing that I would have time to devote to my writing when the baby was sleeping. That was problematic as Jack doesn't really like to sleep and when he was sleeping, I needed to be also.

Since then, I've learned the juggle many hats and at times my writing has fallen short, but at other times, such as NaNo, I committed myself and completed my goal. So last year, while I didn't meet my initial goals/resolutions, I did manage to get a lot done. At this point I'm not a published author, but I am a good mom.

I've smartened up this year and my goals are realistic (at this point to me):
1. Learn how to use Facebook effectively! (any tips, recommendations or suggestions, let me know!)
2. Master the Twitter universe.
3. Learn how to use Tribe and find a "tribe".
4. Learn more effective time management in every aspect of my life. This will allow me to write as much as I can, even in little spurts. Writing goals this year include starting a new project and finishing the editing process on the other two.
5. Learn how to write a synopsis and query letter.
6. Be happy and less stressed about trying to do everything. Focus on the things that I can do and be happy with that.

My last resolution, is also a wish that I have for all of you. I hope that wherever you are in your life or writing journey you have a happier year!

Are there any New Year's Resolutions that you want to put out there and commit to? Shout them out? Do you set resolutions or refuse? Why?

Happy New Year to everyone and may you all have the best year of your lives!


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