
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Holiday Travel Audiobook Playlist

I have to admit, for the longest time I dismissed audiobooks out of hand. I just never understood the appeal and sort of assumed it was something that only old people or heavy commuters got into. Even when I traveled it didn't occur to me to give them a shot. Thankfully that has changed, and looking back, I'm shocked that I ever got through a long road trip without them.

Hubs and I made our usual drive back east for Thanksgiving and spent most of the way listening to the first two Harry Dresden urban fantasy novels, written by Jim Butcher and narrated by the fabulous James Marsters. Since I'm new to audiobooks, I don't have enough comparative knowledge to judge good and bad recitation, but I thought he did a darn good job of capturing Harry's deadpan, noir detective voice and we enjoyed the experience. We're looking at twice as much driving time as we make the rounds to visit the far-off rellies for Christmas, so we've been stocking up for maximum entertainment.

Here's our list so far (all from the library):

Summer Knight by Jim Butcher

The Laughing Corpse by Laurel K. Hamilton

The Wailing Wind by Tony Hillerman

Earth, The Book by The Daily Show with John Stewart

Our library also has a wonderful digital service where you can download ebooks and audiobooks to play or read on various devices. I've got some great stuff lined up there as well, including some Patricia Briggs, Isaac Asimov, and Kim Harrison.

When you're going to spend close to forty hours in the car during a week-long period, it helps to have a plenty of choices for every mood. Got any audiobooks you'd like to recommend? Which readers have impressed you the most? Let me know if you'll be listening to stories on your travels this holiday season.

Have a wonderful and safe holiday!

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