
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A New Year of Being Fearless

It’s a new year with all the hopes and dreams you can expect from starting anew.  For me, it will be the year of clarity and being fearless.  Envisioning and being clear what it is I want to accomplish this year will go a long way to achieving my goals.  It’s especially helpful if you’re making those long lists for 2013.  Speaking of lists, Jeff Goins has a list that should be the foundation for writers building a life of writing as a career.
Having clarity is probably easier than being fearless, but that’s what I’m pushing to attain.  To go one step more than I would usually venture.  To get out of my comfort zone.  To reach out when I would usually hold back.  Gads, it’s scary just thinking about it and that makes it a challenge. 
Speaking of challenge, like my fellow scouts I will be doing a reading challenge. I will be doing the YA/MG Fantasy Challenge hosted by The Book Cellar.
Here is what The Book Cellar had to say:
"This will be the central hub of information for the 2013 YA/MG Fantasy Challenge. In case you haven’t heard about the challenge, the goal is to read and review 10 YA/MG fantasy books throughout the year. Some changes from last year:
  • Books can be any YA or MG fantasy, they do not need to be specific to 2013. I will still be doing roundups of releases each month just to keep news up on new releases.
  • Giveaways are no longer just for reviews – they will be for all challenge participants. Reviews will be worth the most entries and each giveaway will be run bimonthly, so there will be 6 prize packs available throughout the year.
I will be featuring authors who have fantasy books coming out this year periodically throughout the year in “Fantasy Five” interviews and will also try to do a compilation at the beginning of each month of all the fantasy books coming out that month. The challenge runs January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013. Sign-ups will end Oct 15, 2013. As always, all types of fantasy are included in the challenge, not limited to urban, high, epic, general fantasy, etc. (See a spreadsheet of 2013 Fantasy Titles on site) The Goodreads list for 2013 releases will be up soon!"

There are a lot of books to choose from to read so this such be real exciting.

I’m reading Seraphina by Rachel Hartman at the moment and I can’t wait to tell you about it.  Come follow me and my fellow scouts on our journey this year.  And maybe, you will share yours as well.  

Also, the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month will be my posting day.  Hope to chat with you then.

Till next time,


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