
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Ghosts of Salon Posts Past

I was feeling a bit nostalgic, so I decided to take a walk down blog memory lane. I've only had the pleasure of blogging since the Salon went up last year, and it occurred to me that having a blog is a lot like having a (very) public diary. We're keeping a digital record of whatever we're thinking and doing, at least the stuff we feel is worth sharing. Now, I can go back any time and browse through all the fun we were having.

Click and enjoy a few Salon classics from August of last year:

Just like this year, R.J. was buzzing about the Savvy Author's Summer Symposium.

Marsha shared her love of Magical Fantasy Creatures.

Elizabeth featured some of her favorite Best, Last, and Memorable Lines.

Marilyn explained how she got Recharged and Refreshed, and back on track with her WIP.

Melanie reviewed the historical novel, Peony In Love, set in 17th-century China.

Former Scout Stacie had nothing but praise for her Alphasmart.

As for me, I shared some of my best Vacation Photos, raved about my Writing Space, and planned a rather ambitious September Reading List. Out of eleven books on the list, I only got around to reading three, LOL.

Blogs are more than just a way to connect with others, but also a great way to stay connected with ourselves. What will you find when you take a look back at posts past?



  1. I can't believe it's been that long. It sure feels shorter. :-)

  2. Hey Marsha! IKR?! Time flies. I do wish my office was still that clean, LOL.
