This year, I've shelved my NaNo novel and will start fresh with it January 1st. I worked hard all November and managed to not only win, but put up over 60,000 words. That is a huge accomplishment for me and I am proud of it. I think that it earned me a month off. :)
Now that Christmas is 20 days away (19 shopping days), I am feeling more pressure. My mother, my sister-in-law and even my husband constantly bombarding me with the dreaded question - "what do you want for Christmas"? My answer (as it with every special occasion) - books. I have two huge bookshelves full of books and a Kobo half-filled. I hear the dreaded sigh, "What do you need more books for? Don't you have enough?" And with a smile, I reply "Never". While a lot of women love getting jewellery, I'd much rather get books or a book certificate. I find books useful, another ring or necklace not so much.
Last year, I received (in my opinion), the ultimate gift for the writer - a Mac computer, which I treat like a family member and downloaded Scrivener which has helped to keep me sane.
So what's everyone asking Santa for Christmas?
RJ :)
1 comment:
You certainly do deserve a month off! Enjoy!
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